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Botox Instructions

Botox Instructions

Blue Skies



  • We recommend that you have your injections done at least 2 weeks before an important event as you could experience minor swelling or bruising at the injection sites; furthermore, Botox could alter the appearance of your smile line.


  • Avoid drugs like Motrin, Advil and Aleve (anti-inflammatories), or Vitamin E, for a day or two before having Botox injected as this may increase bruising.


  • If you have started taking blood thinners or antiplatelet drugs, tell the doctor, as this can increase the likelihood of bruising.


  • Avoid drinking alcohol (including wine) for 24 hours before your injection as this may also increase the risk of bruising.


  • Use acetaminophen (Tylenol) for pain if you require pain relief before your appointment.


  • Try not to wear makeup to the areas that will be injected before your appointment but wearing lipstick or lip protection (Chapstick) is fine.




Onabotulinum Toxin A (Therapeutic Botox) BEFORE-Injection Instructions:


To help limit negative side effects please follow these instructions:







1. Follow-Up and Care Instructions:


  • Return for your follow-up appointment 2 weeks post-injection to assess results and potential side effects.


  • If you develop significant pain, swelling, or redness in the surrounding tissue, unexpected weakness in the eyelids, voice changes, or difficulty swallowing, call the office at 705-672-2141.


  • Expect muscle weakening in the injected areas within 5 to 14 days.


  • Some swelling or bruising around the injection site is normal. If concerned, contact the clinic. If you bruise easily, apply ice to the injected areas intermittently (10 minutes on, 10 minutes off) for the first day.


2. Precautions and Pain Management:


  • If there is bleeding from one of the injection sites, apply gentle pressure for a few minutes to stop the bleeding.


  • Do not rub, massage, lay, or put pressure on the injected areas for at least 6 hours.   


  • Use acetaminophen for pain as necessary. Avoid NSAIDs as they may increase bruising risk.   


  • Avoid eating very tough, crispy, or crunchy foods for 4 to 6 hours post-injection.   


  • Avoid vigorous exercise, hot tubs, and jacuzzis for 24 hours.

Onabotulinum Toxin A (Therapeutic Botox) AFTER-Injection Instructions:


To help limit negative side effects please follow these instructions:




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